Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm skinny

Ok, so not skinny like I can fit into a zero (BTW, I have NEVER been able to wear a zero) but skinnier than I have been in almost 5 years! WOOT! Before I was pregnant with my first son, I weighed in between 160 and 165, always up and down but never more than 5 pounds. After pregnancy, I lost down to 175 and I got stuck. Then, slooooowly I creeped up to 185 and said THIS IS ENOUGH. I starved myself, ate nothing but salads for 2 weeks, worked out every day (even if it was just a walk). I felt horrible, hungry, tired, and weak, but I lost 10 lbs in those 2 weeks!

Then I found out I was pregnant AGAIN. Grrrr. I gained that first 5 in a week. Then I gained all the way up to 216 even though I promised myself I wouldn't gain more than 25 lbs. For all the math challenged, that's 41 lbs. Weight management FAIL. I've never gained less than 40 lbs with a pregnancy. Now I know what your thinking. YOU WERE PREGNANT. Yea, I was pregnant, but you seriously don't need to take in any extra calories until you start breastfeeding.

So, after the birth of the baby, I immediately dropped 20 lbs! Then, I was back down to 183 in 2 weeks. Yep, 33 lbs gone. But for 3 months, I hadn't lost ONE pound. Not one. Then one day, I stepped on the scale and I weighed 175! I was sooo excited. I started eating less, taking walks, exercising, drinking just water and I gained ALL of that back. Right back up to 183. Soooo frustrating.

I thew my hands up in disgust and said the hell with it! I'll just be fat. I still walked. I still exercised some. But I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I drank tons of cokes. I stepped on the scale this morning. 173 BABY!!! I guess the key is to not trick your body into thinking it's starving. The metabolism slows down and your body leaches all fat to preserve itself.

So, that's my brag for the year. Cookies for everyone!!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Projects, Projects, and MORE Projects

So, just like the title says, I've lost my ever loving mind! With the nearing of school, and the possibility of only two children at home at a time, I've decided to do "spring cleaning"... which turns more into late summer cleaning, and then eventually fall cleaning before I throw my hands up and scream. So far, 3 trash bags down, 7 rooms to go. I only have 8 rooms. WHY do I have so much CRAP?

So, for project #2, I spoke of him before. Big John is now catch able, but just barely. You can, however, walk up halter less and pet him all over. Such a lovable goof, but knee issues, switching children who are staying with grandparents, and the crazy 4 on 4 off schedule haven't allowed for a first ride yet. He is a quick learner though and only give the "leave me alone" face when cinching him up. BTW, we FINALLY moved the hot wire. The horses can now stuff their faces with all the grass, careless weeds, and occasional branch of wild alfalfa they can stand.

Project #3, is to get the boys started with ground manners up to saddling. We figure, the earlier they learn all of that, the easier it will be when it does come time for that first ride. They won't be started until AT LEAST next year, maybe the year after that, but learning everything else won't kill them. Timber is coming along nicely though. We can catch him easily, and while he's still a bit skinny and skittish, he's a love.

FINALLY, project #4 is a cookbook!! NO, I'm not a great cook, nor do I love laboring over a hot stove to produce a gourmet meal 3 times a day. However, I AM sick and tired of losing my index cards with my favorite recipes on them. My Memaw isn't alive anymore to write them down again for me, and my mother isn't too pleased that I call her in a panic trying to find them either.. So, I'll have a collection of our favorite recipes color coded, indexed, referenced, and imaged so I won't have to lose anything else, or spend half an hour flipping through our 300 or so cookbooks trying to find one that sounds good.

So, off I go. To play with the baby, finish my homework, clean my house, complete my project, and slowly go insane. Take care!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

When the going gets tough

the tough.... get a new horse. Well, he's more of an old horse coming back home. Okay, so a young horse coming back home. GAH.. so proper. :D

We bought Blondy and Timber from a breeder for the price of a breeding. Looooooooooong story short, Blondy was a owner relinquish for breeding fees. We bought them last summer when Timber was only 2 months old. It was a win-win really. Blondy was going to become our riding horse, and Timber was a terrific weaning buddy for our other colt.

We decided to sell Timber to a family member for his daughter. They were so excited and we were still going to help them with him. (worming, trimming, shots, etc) They've had him for 8 months now. He's started acting like a pain in the ass stud and it's waaaaay too hot to geld him, so they just gave him back to us. So, now he's in our pen... geting the crap beat out of him by Keno the grumpy old cuss. We're looking forward to having him around. He's always been a great little guy.

In other news, we now have hay to sell (anyone want some alfalfa?). We have a broken hotwire to repair. We have fences to move (so that broken hotwire isn't actually the end of the world). And... we still have a colt to break because hubby's knee gave out last week. Back to the trudge through life.........