toooo ME! So, for the first time in a month, we rode!!! YAY! Since it had been awhile, I made my husband be the crash test dummy. I wanted to ride Keno, and given his behavior yesterday, I wasn't about to just jump on.
I can hear you all now. Behavior? What behavior? Oh yes, I forgot to blog this. My little cranky gelding has been breeding my mares. His blood test is pending, and for his sake, I hope he's just a horny old man. No frankenbabies for us. Anyway, he went in for his blood test yesterday and went completely nuts. Dallas, who is in heat, went TWICE as nuts and into the batshit crazy zone. So, we decided not to ride yesterday.
Today, they were less crazy so we gave it a shot. Keno was a bit snotty at first. However, hubby put him on a cow and it was like the light flickered on. He LOVES chasing the cows. YAY COW! He got some zip in his step and seemed extremely grateful. Afterward, he was very very tired. Time for me to ride! Okay, so it sounds bad, but I only walk so it's good he wasn't fresh.
Then we saddled up Blondy. We were told that she doesn't tie, but.. she fell asleep tied while hubby was working Keno. Anyway, she saddled without a flinch. Riding, however, was another subject. She's as sound as she could possibly be and we couldn't be prouder. We almost cried watching her move out. No ouchiness at all! However, going forward was OUT OF THE QUESTION. As was turning. Or backing up. She almost fell over sideways, but eventually she learned that he wasn't about to let her weasel out of it.
And, we strolled around the pasture without a hitch. Although Keno was insistant that we stop and go see his lady. Or.. stop. And Dallas was delerious with lust. She broke down the coral to get to us. Came RUNNING straight at us, and then bucked. I bailed. She turned and winked. And peed. And winked. Ugh. So, we decided to go down the block.
The rest of the ride was uneventful. So pleasant, except for the constant screaming. How DARE we seperate the herd. And HORSES! Look mom, other horses. But, no one protested. They both did splendedly and we turned back when they started getting tender. It isn't easy to go from a flat dirt pasture to asphalt and rocks and hills. Blondy got a bath, they both got treats, everyone got hay, and the world was pleasant once more.
We like it so much, we might just do it again next week! Oh, and gaited horses ROCK!